IHP's 1st Birthday

Happy 1st birthday In-house Potter!

Today marks 1 year since my first ever IHP post. Firstly, I can’t believe how fast the last 12 months has flown..anyone else struggling to understand where 2020 has gone?! 

I’m not sure how I put into words how it feels to have nearly 5000 of you alongside me in my own little corner of the internet. Over a year ago IHP was just a little idea of mine, a way to recognise the doors that had been opened for me, a way to pay this forward. Fast forward to today and together we have built a community- somewhere we don’t have to feel alone with our thoughts and concerns about the world of law just as I did a few years ago. 

I can vividly remember that sinking feeling of not being ‘good enough’ to be a solicitor- wanting to run away from my A-level results, the path I chose and the city I was from just so I could ‘make it’. If only I’d have believed those that questioned my university choice and that constant self-doubt in my mind, I wouldn’t have found the path that felt right to me. In-house practice rescued me from that self-doubt and provided me with a clear aspiration that worked for ME. Following that untrodden path is what has allowed me to share my experience through IHP, and although it was tough working it all out for myself, it is for that reason I wouldn’t change it for the world. 

I can’t say that it’s a walk in the park to consistently provide valuable content, especially alongside other commitments (including actually being a lawyer full-time!). What makes continuing IHP an easy decision for me though is the messages I receive from you letting me know that you have got that job we worked through the application for together, informing me that you have discovered something new about in-house or even a simple ‘thank you’ for sharing something you found helpful. Each and every one of your interactions make my day over and over, every single day. 

Through IHP, I have filled the slight emptiness that qualifying left me with. I have found a way to couple my passion for law with empowering you, the future of the profession. Right now I couldn’t feel more fulfilled and I owe this to each and every one of you that has thought my content is worth hanging around for. 

I have learnt so much yet I continue to still learn. I’ve massively stepped outside of my comfort zone in putting myself out there, fuelled by my own stubbornness to not worry about what others think where my intentions are good. (I knew being stubborn would come in handy somewhere!)

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for joining me on this journey. The more I develop myself, the more I get to help others...if that isn’t motivation to take to IHP’s 2nd birthday then I don’t know what is.


A guide for prospective in-house lawyers


An interview with the founder of Stephenson Law