Next week I have zero In-house Potter plans.

Not one deadline, event, piece of planned content. Nada. 

I've had this week blocked out in my diary for a some time- it is very much needed just to 




and refocus. 

I would usually do this without an announcement, but this time, I wanted to draw attention to it. Taking breaks is becoming increasingly important and we could all use a reminder form time to time. I don't want to be that person who harps on about taking breaks and never seems to do so herself, so this time, I'm telling you about it. 

This is a preventative measure. I'm doing good, but if I continue taking on more responsibility without alignment I may not be. 

My 'working' hours have been back up to those during my LPC & working days. This feels different, mainly because it’s on my own terms and I’m following my passions, but my gosh it can be draining. Especially when I'm tackling so many heavy issues. 

I don't have anything planned, although there's a few things I'd like to do. Some of which centre around what my focus will be for the next 1,2, even 5 years.

I need to remind myself that it’s bloody hard work running this alongside working. I don’t want this level of pressure that I’m putting on myself to become the norm. I know that that’s how problems can start. I don’t want everything I’m taking on to become too much to handle.

I'm also looking forward to structuring my days how I want to, & not how they should be front stage. 

In a nutshell, I’m pressing the reset button. I’m proud of myself for my ability to recognise when this is needed, and to be able to take advice from others alongside providing it myself. 

And for the record, I am doing this with zero guilt; with no worries about what effect this will have on my online presence. To my own mind, I’m pointing out the obvious here but it needs to be said.

That’s freedom. 

I'd recommend it.


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